
1 表单内容

<form method="post" class="J_ajaxForms" name="form1">
<div class="info">
<ul class="mycol mycol-3 clearfix">
<li class="col"><input name="name" id="name" type="text" placeholder="您的姓名:"></li>
<li class="col"><input name="phone" id="phone" type="text" placeholder="联系电话:"></li>
<li class="col"><input name="email" id="email" type="text" placeholder="邮箱地址:"></li>
<textarea name="content" placeholder="详细......" id="content"></textarea>
<div class="more clearfix">
<a href="javascript:;" class="hover-circle-big fl" id="submitbtn">立即留言</a>

2 JS内容

<!-- 提交表单数据 -->
layui.use(['layer', 'form'], function () {
var layer = layui.layer;
var form = layui.form;

$('#submitbtn').click(() => {

// 获取数据
var data = {
name: $('#name').val(),
phone: $('#phone').val(),
email: $('#email').val(),
content: $('#content').val()

// 检测数据
if (typeof (data.name) == "undefined" || data.name == '' || data.name == null || data.name.trim() == '') {
layer.msg('姓名不能为空', { icon: 2, time: 1500 }, () => {
return false;
if (typeof (data.phone) == "undefined" || data.phone == '' || data.phone == null || data.phone.trim() == '') {
layer.msg('电话不能为空', { icon: 2, time: 1500 }, () => {
return false;
if (typeof (data.content) == "undefined" || data.content == '' || data.content == null || data.content.trim() == '') {
layer.msg('详情不能为空', { icon: 2, time: 1500 }, () => {
return false;

// 发起请求
url: "{:url('home/Contact/addLiuyan')}",
method: 'POST'
}).then(({ code, msg, data }) => {
if (code === 1) {
layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, time: 1500 }, () => {
return false;
} else {
layer.msg(msg, { icon: 2, time: 1500 });
return false;
return false;

3 后台处理

// 留言信息
public function addLiuyan()
// 接收数据
$data = [
'name' => input('name',''),
'phone' => input('phone',''),
'email' => input('email',''),
'content' => input('content','')
// 验证数据
$rule = [
'name' => 'require|max:25',
'phone' => ['require','regex:/^[1](([3][0-9])|([4][5-9])|([5][0-3,5-9])|([6][5,6])|([7][0-8])|([8][0-9])|([9][1,8,9]))[0-9]{8}$/'],
'email' => 'email',
'content' => 'require'
$msg = [
'name.require' => '姓名不能为空',
'name.max' => '姓名最多不能超过25个字符',
'phone.require' => '电话不能为空',
'phone.regex' => '电话格式错误',
'email.email' => '邮箱格式错误',
'content.require' => '详情不能为空'
$validate = new Validate($rule, $msg);
$result = $validate->check($data);
return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => $validate->getError(), 'data' => []]);
// 添加数据
$data['create_time'] = time();
$data['update_time'] = time();
$res = Db::name('liuyan')->insert($data);
// 返回数据
if (!empty($res)) {
return json(['code' => 1, 'msg' => '留言成功', 'data' => []]);
return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => '留言失败', 'data' => []]);
return json(['code' => 0, 'msg' => '请求类型错误', 'data' => []]);


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