namespace maowenke\mysql;
* Mysql备份类
class Backup {
* 数据库配置
* @var array
protected $database = [];
* pdo连接对象
* @var null
protected $pdo = null;
* 要备份的数据表
* @var array
protected $tables = [];
* 输出目录 /结尾
* @var string
protected $output_path = '';
* 文件名
* @var string
protected $filename = '';
* 格式后缀
* @var string
protected $ext = 'sql';
* 默认仅结构,为true转储为结构和数据
* @var bool
protected $with_data = false;
* 创建数据表语句 如果表存在就删除
* @var bool
protected $drop_table_exists = true;
* 创建数据表语句 判断如果表不存在才创建
* @var bool
protected $create_if_not_exists = true;
* 错误信息
* @var string
protected $error = '';
* 构造方法
* @param array $database
* [
* 'username'=>'',
* 'password'=>'',
* 'database'=>'',
* 'host'=>''
* ]
public function __construct($database) {
$this->database = $database;
* @param array $tables
public function setTables($tables) {
$this->tables = $tables;
return $this;
* @param string $output_path
public function setOutputPath($output_path) {
$this->output_path = $output_path;
return $this;
* @param string $filename
public function setFilename($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
return $this;
* 设置文件名为默认值
private function defaultFileName() {
$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
if ('PRC' !== $timezone) {
$this->filename = 'backup_' . date('Ydm_His');
* @param string $ext
public function setExt($ext) {
$this->ext = $ext;
return $this;
* @param bool $with_data
public function setWithData($with_data) {
$this->with_data = $with_data;
return $this;
* @param bool $drop_table_exists
public function setDropTableExists($drop_table_exists) {
$this->drop_table_exists = $drop_table_exists;
return $this;
* @param bool $create_if_not_exists
public function setCreateIfNotExists($create_if_not_exists) {
$this->create_if_not_exists = $create_if_not_exists;
return $this;
* 连接数据库
private function getConnection() {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $this->database['host'] . ';dbname=' . $this->database['database'];
$username = $this->database['username'];
$password = $this->database['password'];
$driver_options = [
try {
$this->pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* 执行备份 转储到文件
* @param string|array 条件sql $where
* @return mixed false 或 文件存储地址
public function dump($where='') {
if (false === $this->getConnection()) {
return false;
/*如果未指定数据表 则指定全部数据表*/
if (0 == count($this->tables)) {
$sth = $this->pdo->query('SHOW TABLES');
while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
$this->tables[] = $row[0];
if (empty($this->filename)) {
$this->defaultFileName(); //设置默认文件名
$ouput_file = $this->output_path . $this->filename . '.' . $this->ext;
foreach ($this->tables as $key=>$table) {
$this->ouputToFile($table, $ouput_file,$where[$key]);
$this->ouputToFile($table, $ouput_file,'');
$this->ouputToFile($table, $ouput_file,$where);
return [$ouput_file, getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ouput_file];
public function writeInfo($file) {
$info = "-- --------------------------------------------------\n";
$info .= "-- 备份分工具\n";
$info .= "-- \n";
$info .= "-- \n";
// file_put_contents($file, $info, FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($file, $info);
* sql按表输出到文件
* @param $table
* @param $file
* @param $where
public function ouputToFile($table, $file,$where='') {
$sql = '';
$sql .= "-- --------------------------------------------------\n";
$sql .= "-- 数据表 " . $table . "\n";
$sql .= "-- --------------------------------------------------\n\n";
if (true === $this->drop_table_exists) {
$sql .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $table . '`;';
$sql .= "\n\n";
$sth = $this->pdo->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`');
$create_sql = $sth->fetch();
if (true === $this->create_if_not_exists) {
$sql .= preg_replace('/^CREATE TABLE/', 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS', $create_sql[1]);
$sql .= ";\n\n";
if (true === $this->with_data) {
$sth = $this->pdo->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
$sth = $this->pdo->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table.' '.$where);
// $sth = $this->pdo->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
while ($row = $sth->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$sql .= 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` VALUES(';
$fields = [];
foreach ($row as $field) {
if (null !== $field) {
$fields[] = $this->pdo->quote($field);
} else {
$fields[] = ' null';
$sql .= implode(',', $fields);
$sql .= ");\n";
$sql .= "\n\n";
* 写入文件
file_put_contents($file, $sql, FILE_APPEND);
* 下载文件
public function download() {
if (empty($this->filename)) {
$this->defaultFileName(); //设置默认文件名
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->filename . '.' . $this->ext . '"');
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
$filepath = $this->dump();
echo @readfile($filepath[1]);
* 释放连接
private function releaseConnection() {
$this->pdo = null;
* 析构方法
public function __destruct() {
from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageFilterdef create_image_with_text(size, color, text, font_path, font_size, text_color, shadow_color, output_path): """ Create a new image of specified size and color with centered text that has a border and shadow. :param size: A tuple con
1 获取指定目录下的所有图片信息// 获取指定目录下的所有图片信息 public function getImagesInfo($directory) { $images = []; // 创建递归目录迭代器 $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY ); // 遍历目录中的每个文件 foreach (
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